Friday, February 4, 2022

4. Sheep to Blanket

From the Sheep to the Blanket

During August 2021, the project “From the sheep to the blanket” began in collaboration with INLAND-Campo Adentro, the Center for Alternative Indigenous Development (Cedain) and the Union of Rarámuri Artisans. It is a productive and collective-collaborative intervention project that intends to rescue the traditional Rarámuri blanket and its meanings. 
With the work that was done in stage 1 of this project, different axes of collaboration were determined, such as the need to insert better sheep, the creation of strategies to improve breeding practices and the genetics of the herds; thus responding to an interest of the female shepherds interviewed, who expressed their will of achieving a greater wool production of better quality. 
The modification in the basic supply of textile production strengthens the next link in the project, which is the caring of the heard, improving processing and spinning of the wool techniques, as well as acheiving equitable distribution among the different families and community looms.

With these projects we seek to generate a synergy between the dynamics of circular economy and ecological sustainability in the region, rescuing textile weaving techniques, disseminating the symbolic importance of traditional weaving and finding new marketing channels for products through fair exchange dynamics. The main goal is that the community will always be the one that benefits the most.

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