Friday, February 4, 2022


This line of action /research is focused on the accompaniment of the indigenous communities from northern Mexico. We are working especially with the Rarámuri (Tarahumaras) to establish forms of exchange with other cultural agents, develop educational tools and create networks with other indigenous communities in Mexico and different regions of the globe.

The idea is to stimulate the creative potential of the community, strengthen innovative actions that address the different problems that afflict them and accompany them in their strategies of preservation and defense and of their territory, language, worldview and artistic-craft expressions. With these projects we also seek to find new ways of marketing their products through fair exchange dynamics, in which the community itself is always be the main beneficiary.

In 2020 we started several productive, artistic, commercial and cultural projects in collaboration with artists, designers, architects, filmmakers, chefs, anthropologists and researchers.

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PEDRO VALTIERRA Rarámuris This is a selection from the photo-report "The right to live and die in peace, the last legacy of the Tarahum...